Parent Welcome Letter

January 24, 2018

Dear Parents,

     It is important to me that your son or daughter has a positive experience in Latin and is successful in beginning his or her study of the language.  I am always willing to give extra help, and I encourage students to come for help whenever they feel they need it.

     I am available after school as well as during the school day    Students should make appointments with me so that I can be sure to be there for them. 

    We will have a more successful year with your cooperation and communication.
Your signature below, as well as your child’s, indicates that you have read and understood the attached Course Information Packet and have filled out the contact sheet.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at any time. 

My current email address is:  I will be returning from medical leave in about three weeks and will then provide a school email address.   The initial weeks of Latin will focus on Roman history and culture, using film and viewing guides.

 Please tear off the bottom section of this page after signing it and have your child return it to me.

  Thank you very much, and here’s to a great 2017-2018 school year!

Katherine Gill

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I have read and understood the Latin I Guidelines. It is critical that your student have and bring to class the materials on the supply list by January 29. 

Signature of Parent/Guardian:______________________________________________________

Mother’s preferred phone number:  (Please indicate work, home, or cell)

Father’s preferred phone number: (Please indicate work, home, or cell)

Name of Student (please print): ______________________________________________________

Signature of Student:__________________________________________________________________

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