January 29 Quiz on Course Information Packet

Quiz on Course information  packet        Janurary 29, 2018       Nomen/Name:

1.  It is my responsibility to arrive on time to Latin class with a Latin composition book, a Latin notebook and a writing instrument.   TRUE / FALSE

2. It is my responsibility to keep handouts from Latin organized so that I can quickly find relevant materials for each class.   TRUE/FALSE

3. I realise that the organization and completeness of my notebook, composition book and notes count for 40% of my grade.  TRUE/ FALSE

4. I understand that phones are not permitted to be used or even visible in class, except when we are doing an activity like Kahoot or Quizlet Live and the teacher has given permission for educational phone use in class.  TRUE/ FALSE

5. Unsanctioned phone use is a major infraction and the teacher has the right to confiscate my phone. TRUE/ FALSE

6. Refusal to give the teacher a phone upon the teacher’s request is a serious act of non-compliance and may be punished with a referral or other severe disciplinary action.  TRUE/ FALSE

7. Retrieving a confiscated phone without teacher permission is a serious act of non-compliance and has as a consequence a referral or other severe disciplinary action.  TRUE/ FALSE

8. Using a phone to take pictures of other students in the class, to share pictures and other content on a phone with other students during class is a serious act of non-compliance and may be punished with a  referral or other severe disciplinary action.  TRUE/ FALSE

9. If I share content of partially or unclothed individuals with a phone it  is an even more serious act of non-compliance and indecency and will be punished with a referral or other severe disciplinary action.  The same goes for those who view such content on others’ phones.  TRUE/ FALSE

10. Consuming and/or sharing food in class without teacher permission is a disciplinary offence.  TRUE/ FALSE

11. Refusal to sit in an assigned seat or move to a reassigned seat is a disciplinary offence. TRUE/ FALSE

12. Doing work for other classes, copying the work of others for any class and similar activities are disciplinary offenses. They amount to academic dishonesty and the work will be confiscated. Refusal to yield work not relevant to Latin class to the teacher upon request is a serious disciplinary offence. TRUE/ FALSE

13. Disrupting class by excessive and/or loud socializing or by argumentative responses to warnings to alter one’s disruptive behavior is a disciplinary offense.  TRUE/ FALSE

14. It is ok to be rude, mocking and disrespectful to other students or the teacher. TRUE/ FALSE

15. Latin class is a time when I can do whatever I think is best for me at the time. TRUE/ FALSE

16. Since I have an after school job or a lot going on in my life it is ok to sleep in class. TRUE/ FALSE

17. It is ok to address the teacher without raising my hand? TRUE/ FALSE

18. I understand the required hand signals: one finger (irrelevant question I want to ask);  two fingers (“ licetne mihi ad latrinam ire” or “licetne mihi ad fontem ire.”) three fingers (I have a question about the work we are doing in class); five fingers (I want to answer the question the teacher has just asked). TRUE/ FALSE

19. Teacher warnings are not personal, they are not judgements, they are attempts to balance the needs of everyone in the class. TRUE/ FALSE

20. Tests like this are really boring and it would be better for everyone if we all just tried to follow more closely the behavior rules stated here and in the syllabus handed out at the beginning of the year. TRUE/ FALSE

21. I would like to be treated with respect and I understand that others would too. TRUE/ FALSE

22. I am not clear about what being respectful is. TRUE/ FALSE

23. I would rather have more tests and in class assignments in Latin. TRUE/ FALSE

24. I realise that I am a role model for other students and would like to be a good one. TRUE/ FALSE

25. My high school education matters to me. TRUE/ FALSE

26. The climate of New Bern High School is important to me. TRUE/ FALSE

27. I care about contributing to a positive learning environment for all students at New Bern High School. TRUE/ FALSE

28. I am willing to actively try to help class processes work smoothly in Latin class. TRUE/ FALSE


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