Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hebdomas quarta - Explore Art and Architecture of Rome, Pompeii and Herculaneum through Images

February 14, 2018 - Felix dies Valentini

Ut vales? How are you doing?
optima! (great)
bene (well, fine)
non male (not badly)
male (not well, badly)
pessime (horribly)

I gather you all are in various places in the class and homework assignments. So I am giving a list here of activities of varying lengths for you and your teacher to choose from. They can be done independently with a computer or iPad.

Khan A Beginners Guide to Ancient Rome

Khan Roman Wall Painting in Pompeii

Khan Hellenistic Art sculpture, mosaic, painting - mostly Roman, who were often copying Greek art

A lecture by Diana Kleiner of Yale on Herculaneum, Roman domestic architecture, painting

Video accompanying an exhibition on Pompeii in California in 2014

Photo Gallery of Images from Pompeii in Creative Commons (Browse these images and choose 3 to download and show to class or upload to Google Drive. What can you learn about the image? Why did you choose it?)

Take Notes in your interactive note book.

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