Tuesday, February 20, 2018

TASK THREE: Pre-reading tasks

Open you  textbooks to pages 2 and 3 and to spend two minutes looking at the picture, reading the "In This Chapter" box and the title of the story, and looking very quickly at the vocabulary list.

Then ask yourself the following questions and answer in your notebook, leaving space for additional information later:

a.  What is the setting of the picture? Write in notebook: "setting:"

b.  Who are the girls? Write the question in your notebook.

c.   What are the girls doing? Write the question in your notebook.

d. How are the girls -different? Write the question in your notebook.

e.   What would be different if this were a scene in the country near you today? Write "differences:"

f.   What season of the year is it? Write "season"

g.   What are you going to learn about the Latin language in this chapter? Write: We will learn..."

h.  Give me examples of nouns, adjectives, and verbs in English. Write: "Parts of speech."

TASK 4: Reading the text.

First we will read the text together. I will read part of a passage and you will repeat.
Next you will listen to the text read again in Latin.
Now we will listen and repeat after the reader.
Finally we will listen to the vocabulary and repeat the Latin words.

Look at your the pre-reading questions again. What can you add to your answers after listening several times to the text and vocabulary? 

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