Sunday, January 28, 2018

Hebdomas secunda: Nero - Vespasian - Trajan - Task Set Two

Task set two

Take the quiz on the Course Information Sheet. (5-8 minutes)

Review your Viewing Guide and identify questions you have not answered or not answered fully. See if you can fill in any more information. You can ask questions of other students in the class. (5-8 minutes)

Watch the next section of Rome: Engineering Empire on Nero. (approximately 15 minutes)

Your teacher will pause the film and give you a crossword puzzle that will check your knowledge of the first 40-50 minutes of the film.  Take 10 minutes to do the crossword puzzle and then turn it in to the teacher.

Continue watching the film and filling out your viewing guide.

HOMEWORK:  Using your viewing guide and what your remember from the film choose one of the engineering accomplishments that you think is especially important and write a good English paragraph or two (full sentences, correct spelling, includes emperor's names, etc.) explaining your choice and describing in detail why you think it was significant.

Don't forget that there is a link in the Day One post to the documentary on YouTube:


  1. Summary for Monday, January 29:
    1. Attendance: Thomas Chiles was absent
    2. Collected Course Information Sheets and Parent Info Sheets from students who had them complete.
    3. Class Supplies: Lillian, Kaitlin, and Samantha have the supplies.
    4. Viewed the video stopping at the end of Emperor Nero and handed out the crossword puzzle.
    5. Collected the crossword puzzle from all but Samantha
    6. Overviewed the homework assignment
    7. Continued watching the video, stopping at Emperor Hadrian (1:05:30)

  2. That sounds good. Samantha needs to realise that failure to turn in the puzzle gives her a failing grade for class participation for the day.
