Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Maps of Roman Empire Task Set 04

Here are a series of maps of the Roman Empire: before and after it was an empire. These are also included in class documents or pages section of the blog.

Here is a handout on Roman Geography with key sites listed and explained. You should print this out for your three-ring binder.Map of Roman territory at death of Julius Caesar 44 BCE

1 comment:

  1. Summary of Wednesday, 1/31
    1. Attendance: T. Chiles and E Cooper were absent.
    2. Placed 4 students into a single group and explained that they should "discuss" questions that they have as we complete viewing the video.
    3. Completed viewing Engineering Empire and collected worksheets from students that had them complete. Indicated that if it was not complete they needed to finish for homework. (Showed the transcript for the video.)
    4. Handed out the sequence of three maps and reviewed the four posted maps indicating that they needed to use them as a resource.
    5. Explained that students needed to label:
    a. the present day countries on each map
    b. The list of Cities, Regions, Rivers, etc that you listed on the handouts for each map. They had 40 minutes in class to start. I indicated that these needed to be completed by Monday, 2/5.
    6. I gave Emily Wilson the quiz on the Syllabus.
